Friday, August 8, 2008

friday morning

i got to watch dwain chase charlie around this morning, which made it a better morning than usual, but i just tried to go do my laundry and the spot was closed. why is a laundromat closed on a friday? seriously. well, i now get to look forward to another week of dirty laundry. i might go get a manicure and pedicure this morning- is that weird? this week has been really busy and i'm glad it's over.

i'm going to a wedding tomorrow so i'm leaving the city today.
the recycling better have been taken out by the time i get back, motherfuckers. and that bag of cans on the stairs outside dan's room better not be ours because a) who knows how long it has been there, b) that's gross, and c) whoever put it there would have to be ridiculously lazy.

i'm not looking forward to going to the bronx today.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My stem is cracked. Fuck.

Dan told me to cook a steak and eat it, and I reluctantly did. Then ate it, and wondered why I was reluctant to do so. I'm also pretending that I didn't read a reminder to take the trash out and shit, but everyone will know I read it now since I spoke of it on the family/house blog. Fuck. I also drank out of one of Dan's water bottles. Hopefully he wont find out. Fuck. I had a Sparks with my pizza this after noon making one of the better 4 dollar lunches I've had. It would've been a 3 dollar lunch if it was dumplings, which I will eat tomorrow.

I hate stupid girls that work at fabric stores and ride yellow track bikes


So listen I am totally going to take out the trash and stuff tomorrow morning on my way to work. Shit I don’t even know what bins all that crap goes in. Whatever Ill figure it out.

Oh and that broken organizer thing is so totally going out with the trash. In fact maybe ill throw that out right after I’m finished writing this. That’s probably a bit much of a goal for tonight though.

But I can shoot for finishing this six pack of red stripe.

*How can you hate these people? Really? Look at them! If you hate bike messengers your just anti fun.

long days

dan and dwain still haven't taken out the trash/recycling. this is my reminder.

i've been getting elbowed to "blog!!!". so i guess i should. my closet organizer broke recently so when i got a replacement, the old one predictably ended up on the floor. charlie (our cat) has started sleeping in it, so now i no longer have the heart to throw it out. it's adding to the already derelict appearance of the living room...

we're having our predictable dinner of extra rare steaks and red stripe. i feel healthier but i think that has more to do with my belly full of beer rather than the steak i hastily ingested.

ps: i hate bike messengers

Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday is like Sunday if you didn't go to work.

There's cat hair on everything I own. I guess it helps build character, but mostly I think it just makes the snot build up in my nose until I blast it out on the way to work.

the welcome post missed the deadline to be published first

Welcome, these are your contributing editors*. This morning Dwain got hand cuffed fifteen minuets after putting on his pants for riding his BMX bike on the sidewalk in front of our house. At least they didn’t shoot him like that dude this past weekend on the corner of the Chinese chicken nugget place. This neighborhood builds character which is something that Eva desperately needs.

*The stupid cat is not pictured.

my feelings

i'm so sick of dan and dwain
this apartment smells terrible

douche bags